

My Photography wrap-up for 2019 // Best Photos and what I've learned
Photography Tips, Bloggy things Emily Lowrey Photography Tips, Bloggy things Emily Lowrey

My Photography wrap-up for 2019 // Best Photos and what I've learned

I guess this is a bit of a late wrap-up but here we are! I think it’s so valuable to look back on your work over time and see where you’ve improved. One of the things I love most about photography is that there is always something more to learn. It’s always important to keep pushing forward. Even if it makes looking at your older photos a bit uncomfortable at times!

So here are some of my favourite images — and things I’ve learned — over the past year in photography

I’ll do “in no particular order” until I get to number 1 because I definitely have one in mind! And I’ll stick to my own personal projects rather than weddings.

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The EVERYTHING Preset: The All-In-One Photo and Video Wedding Photographer Solution

The EVERYTHING Preset: The All-In-One Photo and Video Wedding Photographer Solution

Dear Reader, I’ve worked tirelessly on this new preset pack. I do not say that lightly. My entire photography/videography career, I’ve wanted a preset that just WORKS, for both photo and video.

I was forever editing them both separately, sometimes editing in a completely different style from job to job. It was making my workload heavier and frankly it was doing my head in.

So here it is. After many moons of tweaking: my EVERYTHING preset.

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