Some GREAT Insta360 Go 3Features No One Talks About…

The Go 3 has been showcased around the Internet as a brilliant, adrenaline-fuelled, mini action camera, but there is so much more to it than that. In fact, I think if you’re looking for a tiny, versatile, truly innovative video camera, this has to be towards the top of your list. I took the Go 3 to Costa Rica for a month. Here are my thoughts.

Here is my full video review, with lots of example footage. Definitely give it a watch after this article to see what the Go 3 is capable of!

Insta 360 Go 3 Review — Versatile Square Sensor

The square sensor in this tiny camera is the star of the show for me. It makes your footage so versatile. From the same clips, you can crop the footage either horizontally or vertically (or square!) and even add in movement in editing.

This can give your clips some real professional polish. There’s no getting around the fact that this is a smaller sensor-ed camera, but the professional motion you can add due to the square sensor is eye-catching and much more premium looking.

This is very similar in principal to the Open Gate features on some high-end Lumix cameras. Learn all about Open Gate in this article here (opens in new page).

Another benefit is horizon levelling. The device cleverly uses the extra footage real-estate to stabilise your clips and keep everything level. You can literally spin this camera in a circle and the footage will remain perfectly stable.

Check out the Go 3 on the official website here (opens in new window)

Insta360 Go 3 Timelapse Timer

This one is a game-changer! I love me a timelapse, and the Go 3 is a perfect little timelapsing machine. The square sensor allows you to add in motion to your clip so you no longer need a gimbal or a slider to tilt your timelapses.

But even more than that, there is an auto timer! Rejoice! In Costa Rica, I set my timer for 5am, and left the Go 3 on the balcony overnight. I didn’t even need to wake up. The camera woke its self up, filmed a brilliant sunrise timelapse (it auto levels your exposure too!) for an hour or so, then put its self back to sleep.

I woke up, wirelessly transferred the clip to my phone, and uploaded it to socials over breakfast. Bliss!

In the past, like when I went to Monument Valley, It was a matter of clawing myself out of bed, and letting the camera shoot until the battery died. This was made doubly challenging because I was shooting astrophotography overnight too. No sleep was had!

With the Go 3, because the camera turns off automatically when you set the duration, you even have plenty of battery left for the day ahead after the sunrise timelapse.

Yes, The Insta Go 3 is great as an action camera too

Just a quick note on this, as it’s been covered a lot by others. My very-much-not-an-action-person self had a blast with the Go 3! I went white water rafting, canyon swinging, and even did a bit of snorkelling.

I did loads, really, and it worked brilliantly as an action camera. The little capsule of the camera is waterproof (the main unit is only splashproof) and with the attachements available, you can connect the Go 3 easily to any GoPro accessories you might have too.

This was invaluable at the zipwire place. I could just use one of their GoPro helmets and attach my camera for free. woop!

Word of warning… this thing does not float, so be careful in the water! Don’t rely on the magnet mount alone (like I did lol) it was a miracle we managed to find the little white camera in the white white sand. Lesson learned!

If you’re like me, and you want just an everyday epic camera 90% of the time, but do dabble in the odd holiday adventure, then the Insta360 Go 3 can tick both boxes brilliantly.

Insta Go 3 official website here (opens in new window)

The REAL Joy of the Insta360 Go 3…

My favourite thing about this camera is the way you can just set it and forget it. I have so much amazing footage from my trip, from jumping off a catamaran, to kayaking with crocodiles, and you know what? I do not remember having to CAPTURE any of it at all. I just completely forgot the camera was there. Isn’t that fabulous?

Sure, you could probably get better quality footage with your professional mirrorless camera (my favourite is currently the Lumix G9ii review here) but at what cost? Is that 10% better quality worth you having to man the camera constantly, checking exposure, settings, and generally zoning out?

Sometimes, I think it’s worth its weight in gold that you can just leave it rolling and enjoy the moment, safe in the knowledge that the camera is doing its job without you.

I have clips of me walking through a butterfly garden. I just left the Go 3 on the magnet chest mount, and I walked, and enjoyed the entire experience. Watching that footage back is bizarre. It’s the closest thing to seeing it all again through my own eyes! The Insta Go 3 is such a low-key camera.

Creative and Practical uses of the Insta360 Go 3

I shoot a lot of photography, obviously, and having a POV angle of video is so handy for social media. No matter your hobby, if you want to share it, I bet the Go 3 would be a really great way to do it.

I was an early adopter of the Go 2, but the battery life really let that little dude down. This has been completely fixed to an insane degree with the updated Go 3 — you can now get 45 minutes of recording from the capsule tiny camera, and up to 180 minutes when it’s docked in the larger housing. So when I’m shooting street photography for example, I can leave it recording for a good length of time, and by the time I’ve stopped for a coffee, the camera is charged up again ready for another 45 mins on the go.

Check out the Insta360 Go 3 here, on their official website. They often have sales on, and you can get the best deal directly from them. And definitely check out my video review if you haven’t already!


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